Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Introduction and Process
The eight-month strategic planning process was led by a committee composed of four BAS board members, the BAS executive director, and the strategic planning consultant. In preparation for the planning process, the committee developed five strategic themes and survey instruments for BAS staff, current and former BAS board members, BAS members, and representatives of BAS partners and funders. Additionally, the consultant provided an audit of the organization’s bylaws, and the executive director provided an assessment of the current state of BAS. The consultant prepared a report summarizing the survey and assessment results for distribution to all board members for their review prior to a day-long retreat. At the retreat, the full board developed new mission and vision statements and at a subsequent board meeting, a set of core values. During the retreat, the board agreed on strategic goals to address each of the five strategic themes as well as specific strategies to achieve the goals. Following the retreat, the committee built out action steps for each strategy and established metrics, accountabilities, and timelines. The committee presented the final Three-Year Strategic Plan to the board at its June meeting, and on June 12, 2019, the board adopted the plan.
Introduction and Process
The eight-month strategic planning process was led by a committee composed of four BAS board members, the BAS executive director, and the strategic planning consultant. In preparation for the planning process, the committee developed five strategic themes and survey instruments for BAS staff, current and former BAS board members, BAS members, and representatives of BAS partners and funders. Additionally, the consultant provided an audit of the organization’s bylaws, and the executive director provided an assessment of the current state of BAS. The consultant prepared a report summarizing the survey and assessment results for distribution to all board members for their review prior to a day-long retreat. At the retreat, the full board developed new mission and vision statements and at a subsequent board meeting, a set of core values. During the retreat, the board agreed on strategic goals to address each of the five strategic themes as well as specific strategies to achieve the goals. Following the retreat, the committee built out action steps for each strategy and established metrics, accountabilities, and timelines. The committee presented the final Three-Year Strategic Plan to the board at its June meeting, and on June 12, 2019, the board adopted the plan.